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النظافة الشخصية بالاعشاب الطبيعية

المستشار الاقتصادي في المملكة العربية السعودية

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eBooks, Software and Downloads

عبقري تسويق


المال السريع من الانترنت


العروسة الجميلة في المملكة العربية السعودية


مستشارك الاقتصادي

العناية بصحتك وجمالك وبشرتك في اقدم كتاب للطب العربي القديم


اسعار التسويق الالكتروني


النظافة الشخصية واهميتها في الاسلام


دورات مكثفة في الربح من الانترنت والثروة والجمال والطعام الصحي والرشاقة بدون تعب وتخفيض السكر من الدم


500 وصفة شهية تخفض السكر من الدم


اهتمي بجمال جسمك قبل يوم عرسك


عروسة 2013 شنطة العناية بجسمك وشعرك وبشرتك قبل الزفاف

قبل ان تختاري الموديل الملائم لجسمك وميزانيتك لتظهري ملكة في يوم عرسك

ولتكوني كالقمر المضيء في ليلة عمرك

فكري كثيرا في جمال جسدك

مظهره نعومته توحيد لون الجسم

تحبي ان يكون جسمك صافي لااثر لبقع قديمة

اوضربات شمس او جروح اوحروق لاقدر الله

لااثار حب شباب او عنقز

جسمك مشدود بدون ترهل او خطوط بيضاء

ناصع البياض له لون محبب الى النفس

حتى تحظي بثقة نفس اكبر وانتي تواجهين اعين الناس

وتتمني ان لايروا منك الا مايبهجك وتستعدي نفسيا لليلة احلامك بدون اي احراج

بدون سواد الركب والمناطق الحساسة وتحت الابط

الاستعداد لليلة الزفاف مسؤوليتنا

جهزنا لكي كل احتياجاتك في شنطة العناية بالعروسة قبل الزفاف

نور الطبيعة لمنتجات العناية والاهتمام والنظافة الشخصية بالاعشاب الطبيعية ترخيص صناعي 1838

محتويات شنطة العناية بالعروسة

نحقق لكي في محتويات الشنطة ثلاثة اهداف

الهدف الاول

العناية بالشعر

قناع الشعر هو حمام كريم نخاع الجمل الاصلي مع الفواكه الاستوائية يحقق جميع احلامك في شعر قوي لامع غزير

لاتساقط لافراغات لاقشرة لاصلع لاخشونة لاسشوار لاتقصف لاتغييرفي لون الصبغة لابهتان في الشعر لارائحة غير مستحبة

لاكيميائيات اطلاقا يستخدم قبل الحمام على شعر جاف ثلاث مرات اسبوعيا

الهدف الثاني

العناية ببشرة الوجه

قناع الوجه وهو مناسب لجميع انواع البشرة حتى الحساسة وهو ماسك طبيعي كسائر منتجاتنا مكون من الطحالب البحرية والاعشاب


يحقق لكي حيوية وتفتيح وازالة كلف واثار حب الشباب ويعالج حب الشباب وجه مشدود وضحكة مميزة

يستخدم يوميا يعجن مع قليل من الماء ويوضع على البشرة نصف ساعة ثم يغسل ستلاحظين الفرق من اول استعمال

الهدف الثالث

العناية بالجسم

حسب احتياجك لابراز جمال جسمك نكون شنطتك

تخسيس - شد - ازالة الخطوط البيضاء الى اقصى حد ممكن - تفتيح لون - بياض - توحيد لون الجسم وصفاؤه

بالاضافة الى المنتجات الثابتة في كل شنطة مثل حمام العروسة بالورود والمسك والعنبر

وحمام المهديء بعد الحلاوة وحمام الغمرة وماسك لتفتيح المناطق الحساسة وتنعيم الركب وتفتيح الجسم كافة ومقشر للخلايا الميتة

يستخدم 3 مرات بالاسبوع وعندما يقترب الزفاف يوميا لانه يساعد على طرد التوتر والارهاق ويجعلكي مبتسمة وهادئة

للطلب 0566710008

لسنا دعاية فقط

بل ترخيص صناعي وسجل تجاري وخبرة وتجربة 15 عام من النجاح والشهرة والانتشار في المجتمع السعودي والخليجي والعربي

جميع منتجاتنا مضادة للاكسدة وخاضعة لمقاييس الجودة

نور الطبيعة


العناية بالعروسة وبالعريس قبل الزفاف


خدمات نور الطبيعة في التسويق الالكتروني واشهار المواقع والاسعار


الخميس، 13 ديسمبر 2012

The Easy Forex Breakout Trend Trading Simple System.

Finally! a Simple Breakout System!
The Easy Forex Breakout Trend Trading Simple System.
Using a color coordinated chart setup, trading is now fun and easy!

A Suite of Indicators that confirm each other and keep you out of a flat market....No Fear Trading!

The Easy Forex Breakout Trend TradingSimple System
Brought to you by Cynthia  of Day Trade Forex!

December 14, 2012

Dear Trading Friend,
The Easy Forex Breakout Trend Trading Simple System

is a very simple manual system that uses indicators based on color and a special volatility window that gives you buy and sell triggers based on the force of the price action.
It works on all timeframes and performs extremely well with very few whipsaw trades.
You'll be entering new trades based on two volatility indicators
a suite of indicators that make it easy to spot entries and exits using color and volatility.
 Finding the trade entries is a breeze because you'll be using color to trade with...price barsare green for uptrend, purple for downtrend...and the other indicators use the same color coding of aqua blue for buy signals and hot pink for sell signals..... so you don't have to analyze anything....just trade according to color. 
You even get a color signal to exit your trades:  a blue dot appears when a short  trend is exhausted and it's time to exit....and a red dot appears when a long  trend is exhausted and it's time to exit.
You can use the Breakout Simple System on multiple currency pairs with the special MT4 indicators that I give you, already loaded onto a  Breakout Simple System template.
Breakouts are easy to spot in any timeframe and you have the choice of using a conservative or an aggressive entry style....both are taught with lots of videos to explain the strategies and indicators.

Here's a  short introductory video of trading the Breakout Simple System:
 Click the 4 arrows above to make the screen full size.

 I believe that my  Easy Forex Breakout Trend Trading Simple System can make trading easy and fun and very very lucrative for you.
Why?  Because trading with color is so soothing and so sure and so easy.
Finding the courage to jump into a trade is now an easy thing.... because you can see visually that all the colors are in the same tone, which means multiple indicators are confirming an entry.... or an exit.
And trading with volatility gives your trades that extra boost to get past the breakeven fast!
We use two different consolidation boxes which clearly keep you out of whipsaw trades with low momentum.
We use three entry confirmations and three exit confirmations...and color is the key!
Trades based on color and volatility are easy and quickly successful!

What does this mean for you?
  • getting up early to trade or staying up late to trade will be a joy, not a grind
  • the suite of indicators that work together are so pleasing and soothing and will actually relax you...making it easier to get into the trading groove
  • getting in and out of trades will be like child's play, it's so easy with the colors matching
  • making money will be fun, as it should be
  • becoming financially independent is finally possible for you
  • you could start making money this week!

Here's another short video showing how U.S. and European traders can trade the Frankfurt, London and U.S. trading sessions trading a 15 min chart:
 Click the 4 arrows above to make the screen full size.

Ok, now let's take a look at how easy this trading system is and how much fun you're going to have!

Watch the video below to see some trade examples:

 Click the 4 arrows above to make the screen full size.

Can you see why I call this the
The Easy Forex Breakout Trend Trading Simple System?
Do you think you can trade this way successfully?

Here's another video showing a GbpChf trend with examples of aggressive trades in a 15 min chart:
Click the 4 arrows above to make the screen full size.

  • Spend 10 minutes or 1-2 hours trading when YOU want to trade
  • Possible 2-5% each trading session
  • Exact entries and exits easily spotted
  • Special supporting indicators for strength of trend
  • The template is already loaded with all the indicators you need!
  • You get a suite of indicators that are color-coordinated to make entries and exits easy
  • One indicator setup I invented to keep you out of ranging areas
  • Use one chart for simplicity or multiple charts for more profits
  • I show you how to set up a profile with 3 pairs in 3 timeframes with videos to watch to learn how to trade out of the profile
  • I've made tons of training videos to make it quick & easy for you to learn how to use the indicators and work the strategies
  • You could be trading and making money today!

Now trading can be fun!  I've removed the "seriousness" from trading!

Easy Forex Breakout Trend Trading Simple System
This is NOT a news trading system!  It is a trend trading system based on color and volatility only....however....catching the news announcements using a 1 min or 5 min chart has never been easier!

Here's a 5 min chart of the EurUsd trading a news event :

Don't have time to sit at your pc very long?  If you trade in a 5 min chart during the active London/NY session, you can always find trade opportunities. 

This 5 min chart shows 103 pips gained in 5 hours of trading with 5 trades...you don't have to take them all, just trade for an hour or two: 

The red vertical lines are short entries, and the exit would be the appearance of the large blue dot.  The long entry is the white vertical line, your exit would be the appearance of the large red dot.  I've marked the exits with a short angled white line.

Here's a screenshot that shows you the extreme volatility moves of the GbpJpy in a 1 hour chart:

Notice how the bottom window has my special setup that shows you clearly a flat market with low volatility so you don't initiate a new trade!  When you try to trade in a range market you just get butchered!  This system shows you the high volatility breakout trades that have a greater success potential!

Here is a screenshot of the EurUsd entries in a 4 hour chart:
Each trade is a minimum of 75 pips ...short entries are the long vertical pink line, long entries are the long vertical green lines...the exits are the short diagonal white lines....exit is either when the red or blue dot appears or the volatility in the bottom box drops off, or both.  I like trading in the 4 hr chart because you can get a normal night's sleep and you only have to check your trade 3 times a day....just stay with the trade initially until you have locked in some profit and set a 50 pip trailing stop when you're sleeping....you can sleep like a baby and wake up to lots of moolah!

Here's a screenshot of trading the UsdCad in the London and Ny sessions in a 15 min chart:
You only need to catch one of these trades each day to earn a nice living!
We all know that trading 1 standard lot for only 20 pips a day will get you $50,000 per year!  Anyone can do this!!!  This trading system makes it easy!

I think you can, in fact, I know you can!  Here's what your trading account will start looking like soon:
Easy Forex Breakout Trend Trading Simple System

Here's What Others Say...

Here are some recent  unsolicited and real testimonials
(quoted by permission)...

Hi Cynthia,
I want to thank you very much for your Simple System. Trading will never be the same again for me. You've made it SO easy! A glance at the charts is all it takes; no more analyzing and trying to figure it out. I've had several charts set up with different indicators, and I find I go first and last to your Simple System, and will be deleting the charts with the other indicators. I have added the AMA arrows and white "Xs" from your color coded system as I like them so much. An extra plus is the great videos you've included. Your explanations with the charts makes it all SUPER SIMPLE. It's perfect. Thank you again. Barbara

Dear Cynthia,

Thanks for this simple and excellent Simple Breakout - it is a great help for traders.
And if I may add - the more I've used it these few days - the better I think it is. The importance of clearly defined entries, trailing stops and exits is tremendous - as only traders who've suffered from not using them can testify!! This is a great system - and at such a reasonable price.
With best regards,....Esther Lim

Thank you very much for your excellent support, Cynthia! You are by far giving me the most sincere response and support compared to any other software that I bought before. I can finally see a bright light in the Forex dark tunnel because your new system is really rocking & rolling with all the green pips in the right direction. I will consider taking the Max course once I can master your new system a little better. Just hope to bang more pips from the retracements. Thanks again and have a Happy Thanksgiving!.... Robert T.

Hello Cynthia,

Oh my but is this a wonderful system. Yes, I downloaded the system Sunday and started trading Monday. I have made right at $500 already in two days trading with 1 lot/ trade. This is such a simple system to use and your video instructions are wonderful. Everything you said about the system is right on the money. This is so much fun to use now that I can see exactly when to get in and when to get out. I am doing what you said by looking at the longer time frame charts to determine the trend and then going down to the shorter time frame to get a entry point and exit. Your velocity meter is spectacular. I have tried using most everything you recommend and been so pleased with it all.  I had been using demo accounts for about 1 1/2 years with little or no success. Then I ran into your web site and tried what you recommended and wow, I started making money on my demo account. When I went to the live account, same thing, I made money. I always knew there was money to be made in Forex, but now it is not a dream but reality. All I can say is thank you SO MUCH. It is like I found the picture of the 5000 piece Forex jig saw puzzle you describe and now I can put it together. ....Mark A.

Hi Cynthia:

In a nutshell, your new programs are EXCELLENT. These are manual-operated
systems. They can be easily user-programmed to be as simplistic or
complicated as he/she desires. All is here. They are named: "Cynthia's
Easy Forex Breakout Trend Trading Simple (and Advanced) Systems."

I have been trading common stocks for many decades and the Forex market
for over one year.
The more I use your indys, the more obscene my profits have become!! Trading has become so easy and is totally stress-free.
I have gained my own Forex trading material from many people around the
globe. Most have assisted in their own way. However, none has assisted
me as much as has Cynthia.  I have never seen such an excellent system as is
this. None exists!

So, her "Easy Forex Breakout Trend Trading Simple (and Advanced) Systems"
are top-notch. I'd highly recommended them for anyone who's intent upon
succeeding in Forex trading. You'll need nothing else besides a brokerage

account with the MT-4 trading software.

Thank you.....

John A. Bryant, M.D. (retired)
Very active Forex trader


I love your color code trading system and if you open the attachments
you will see why. Analysis3 is just GBP USD data to create that chart.
Since I took out all personal info please feel free to use it any way
you wish.

I went to ThinkForex based on your recommendation and the executions
are outstanding. I have never had a requote in all these trades.

I just incorporated your new Simple System on top of the color-code and
whooeee!!!!! I now understand how it works better. I am a visual
kind of guy. Love the G-Spot with breakout indicator it rocks. Trading
is actually fun again.

I have recouped all my losses for this year and $500 away from recouping
last year's loss.

I trade most every day and never use any more than 10% of my account/trade
and every month I set a goal to double the account which defines lot size,
number of avg. trades, take profit for each trade etc. I sit down the day
after and review previous days trades and try to determine what I did wrong
for a losing trade (lack of waiting for signal, jumping too early etc, my
errors not system) to improve my skills and review what I did right to
reinforce good habits.

I can't thank you enough and I was so skeptical because I tried so much pure
krap out there that never worked.

Best regards and can't thank you enough,


Hi Cynthia,
My results with your breakout system have been as expected. All info and
systems you suggest are great and work well.
As a testimonial for your breakout system, I am still tinkering with currency
pairs and time frames. The pairs you suggest work well, I was looking
at how the breakout system responded to the latest AUD/USD movement.
The colours really highlight the position entry and exit. If you are at your
computer when the indicator triggers, the results are excellent.
Thank you for your continuing help and support with systems, offers and
Regards, Graham D

Hi Cynthia,

I bought your system a few days ago, and I want to thank you, because I have made money in my live account. I bought both the basic and advanced, but I only use the basic so far, and I have been able to make money from it. I used a micro lot, from a balance of $203 to $226, in just one day.....EI

I am very happy with my purchase of the simple and advanced systems. I have not traded this week due to what I perceive as a very low volume market with little movement. When the red zone and blue zone show completely on a full screen, it says to me no volume and not to trade as I have so little experience. What movement there is, is sporadic and “whipsaw”. I would not have seen that without the advanced simple system.

Thank you, Gary

***  Testimonial emails on file  ***
Legal Disclaimer:  Unique and past performances do not guarantee future results. The testimonials presented are real and unsolicited and on file and quoted by permission.  Testimonials may not be representative of all customer experiences.  Past performance and testimonials do not necessarily indicate or guarantee future success.  Each trader is ultimately responsible for his/her own success.

Discover the secrets of the Breakout Trend Trading SimpleSystem today!

Claim your Suite of Breakout Simple System Indicators now!
Your suite of special  Breakout Simple System indicators are already loaded onto a
mt4 template for you!  You will be ready to trade and start making money soon!

I know that I could charge $2,000 for this trading system that comes with the Simple Systemindicators, template, pdf manual and tons of training videos and screenshots and the quick email support that I provide...but it's not going to cost you $2,000, or even $1,000....no, not even $500, although that's what I should be charging. 
$287 is the regular price... but.....

for a low introductory price, you can purchase via Clickbank for only $87
with a 60 day money back guarantee. 

You are going to love it!  Trading has never been so easy or fun!
You can discover the secrets of Breakout Trend Trading Simple System TODAY !

Can't wait to try it out?!
Here's How To Order Now:
If you want the security of a 60 day money back guarantee, please click the
Add To Cart to order for $87 via Clickbank...you can use your credit card
or your PayPal account:
What Happens If You Don't Order Now?
The price could be doubled tomorrow!
You could be m

aking money today!
This is "No Fear" trading!
Get it now while I'm still offering a low introductory price!

  • Tons of training videos are included with supporting screenshots & explanations
  • Quick email support 7 days a week
  • The template is loaded with all the indicators you need!
  • The candles are color coded so you trade according to color!
  • None of the indicators are lagging and re-paint only in the current price bar!
  • Consolidation periods are clearly visible to keep you from trading whipsaws!
  • You will learn how to trade using volatility for quicker profits
  • Entries and exits are easy to spot just with color changes!
  • In a 1 hr, 4 hr or daily chart, monitor your trades for only 5 minutes four times each day!
  • Now trading can be fun!  I've removed the *seriousness* from trading!
  • This is NOT a news trading system, although you can trade news events with it, all you need is a strong trend!  It is a trend trading system based on color and volatility!
  • No need for a huge account....start trading in a Cents account with only $100
  • This is not a hedging system and can be traded with U.S. brokers
  • Works with any mt4 broker, but I tell you who I trade with
  • You MUST be familiar with the mt4 platform, this is NOT a system for newbies

If you don't buy today, you might forget about my Breakout Simple System, and be doomed to your old poor trading results!  Don't let that happen to you!
Go ahead and order right now.  I know you'll be happy you did.
Here's how to order NOW for the best price of only $87 via CLICKBANK:

Dedicated to your trading success,
The Day Trade Forex Team
A combined 55 years of trading experience in futures, stock options and forex.
P.S.  Order now to lock in the best price you'll ever see!  We are confident that you will love this trading system!
P.P.S.  Don't wait to get financially free!  Help combat global recession and save your family!  Start making money this week!

the Secret to turning $1000 into $1 Million

What Are Current
Members Saying?

*Testimonials are REAL. In some cases actors have been used to portray real written testimonials.
I wish I had held this even longer! I had $6,000.00 invested and I dumped all the shares when I was over 50%. Thats $3,250.00 profit! I actually bought back in this morning at $0.09 with $3,125.00 and I netted an additional $2,284.00. I nearly doubled my original $6,000.00 investment.
Penny Stock Prophet review from Jason F.
Jason F.
I have to admit I was very skeptical at first and getting a membership with you wasn't even an option. This is one of the best decisions I've made. You probably already know this but you are changing my life. Thank you for that. My family thanks you for that.
Penny Stock Prophet review from Anthony B.
Anthony B.
Thanks James for these last two picks they were a great blessing! I made 23% on the first one and 53% on the second pick.  The first pick I was not a member yet but it sold me on your system.  I am really excited and wanted to say Thank You!
Penny Stock Prophet review from Jan L.
Jan L.
That was a good run. I got out on top today at 14 cents and basically doubled my money. I'm ready for the next one! Thanks!
Penny Stock Prophet review from Tony V.
Tony V.
Thank you for the FRHV pick!! Since Friday I've made a gain of over 200%!!! Please keep the picks coming and I will be right there buying along side of ya!!! Just wanted to give thanks!
Penny Stock Prophet review from Jeff K.
Jeff K.
Cashed out yesterday at $0.12 after purchasing it at $0.07.  Not bad.  Thanks!!!!!! Made nearly $350 bucks!
I just wanted to thank you; I made over 60% profits. Thank you again.
Congratulations on delivering another winner!
$0.08 to $0.12 is good enough for me! Keep up the good work.
Awesome pick.  Got out at the perfect time with a healthy 53.5% profit.  I was curious if you know when you might be looking into your next pick. Thanks for such an awesome program!!!!
Hi James,
Thanks again for the great pick this week! Made some good spending money for the weekend.
I bought at $0.07 and Sold at $0.15. more than double! I'm happy. Thanks,
Thanks for your CIIC pick from last week, which I bought at $1.63. I sold all out at $2.65 today.
It's obvious you're a damn good man. Keep working your ass off for us wannabees and our accounts will grow. Mine has!!!
Made $706 real quick. $2856 for the week :)
Thanks for LYJN. I bought @ $0.0235 on Friday and sold today at $0.035. Our long time waiting become successful. Thanks once again.
Good morning James, I'm so happy I listened to you and held till this mornings open. I made a nice return. Thanks.
Four day net gain = $3,250.00. Thanks again and I'm looking forward to your next pick.
Good Call . . . Thank you! Got in and out for about 38% profit. Thanks,
I'm out with a 1k profit for today! Thanks!
James, Made a killing on this stock.  Thanks a bunch.  Anymore good picks like this coming Friday? Lol.  Thanks,
Nice call on LYJN!! Can you say SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for your time.
Hey James just want to say thanks. I'm up 100% got in @.023
Chris L
Bought and sold FRHV today and made 40%. Stock continued up and closed up even higher. I could have made nearly 70%, but I'm happy with this gain since I'm new to trading. Thanks,
ECOB was a great pick to cut my first investment teeth on.  I turned a 51% profit.  Thank you so much. You're the real deal and I can't thank you enough!  Member for Life!!!
James I just wanna say thank you. Definitely been worthwhile trading along side you.
I am a new subscriber and I'm up 130% since entering last week! Thanks ,
What a way to start!  I've never seen a penny stock move like this one. I'm up 112% already!
Wow 75%!! Thanks!
You have made me over $14,000 dollars with 1 pick! That's going to be tough to beat! =)
My first pick I made 88% gains in 2 days. Thanks for your help.
James, I bought last weeks pick at $0.02, sold at $0.07 and made $3000. That's 240% gains!
I bought Friday, and held over the weekend. I made about 3k on it. Not bad. Thanks,
I'm up 300% today! I was up 100% just a few days ago, but this thing isn't stopping. GREAT pick James!
As per your guidance, I sold 83% of the stock for a profit of 253.62 %, in 2 days…making $ 5335 in profits ….plus I still have 20,000 shares left. Thanks!
FYI I sold today around noon in the $0.074 range so was able to double-up on the stock. I think it was a great go, for just my 3rd pick with you so far. Thank you
James, I got in late and still made over 80%!  Good job!  Good call!  It is nice to get a winner like that.
James, Many thanks for this pick!!! You rock!!!!!
Thanks so much for your recommendation!  I'm in at $0.022.  Up almost 300%, sold for a 2k profit!
Hi James,
WOW!!! LYJN reaches 0.08 today. Is it over yet?  Should I hold the stock?  Excellent job, James!!!
Thank you for the opportunity to trade along with you. You're the best thing to happen to me in a long time!
Excellent pick yesterday thank you! I Made a tidy profit :)
I invested in yesterday's pick and I'm up 123% so far. Killer pick James!
I am out with a 317.5% gain!!!!! Ready to reinvest the profits as I move forward to earn $1 Million as you described on your website.
From $0.02 to $0.10. Not bad for just four days! It's also very good to learn you're NOT a robot. Thanks James,
James, you rock with these picks!
Thanks for the most recent pick! This sucker has been going crazy over the last few days. I'm up big-time!
Great pick! I sold half my shares at 0.06 for 100% gain. The other half of my shares are currently at 400% UNBELIEVABLE.  I can't wait for your next pick.  Thanks again
James, You rock! You set the bar high - keep up the great work!
Just wanted to say thank you.  I just subscribed last week and this was my first trade.  I invested $700 and I made over 100% returns in just one week.  Super! 
Hi James, It was my first time using your system. It was a great experience. Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you about your next pick.
Hey James, since signing up a week or so ago you have made two great picks, thanks.
Your last pick was worth the wait. It more than paid for my subscription fee, I pulled in around an 85% gain. Not too shabby!
James, Good call on this one! I got in a little late, but still made 10k in less then 4 days. (400% return works for me!) Looking forward the next one!
Nice call on today's pick!!! Hit 134% today! Amazing!
Good pick on the Lyric Jeans. I turned 127%. Thanks.
James, You are the man. Tripled my money with the last pick.  Keep up the great job your the best.
Thanks for everything James! You're the best!
James, my first pick with you: a total profit of $1, 925 less commission (which was $28 ) Thanks for all the help!
I'm just emailing to say the last one was a month's income for my family and was so needed.
Thank you!
I just wanted to let you know that I made 38.8% on FRHV in less than 24 hours. I look forward to the next pick! Are you working on the next pick?
Looking like a genius once again my friend!
Thanks for responding. I listened to you, bought @ $0.75 yesterday and got out with 70% profit. Thanks a lot. I can't wait for the next pick now!
James thanks for the info. Had a great day with FRHV, over $450.00 in profits
Thanks for all you do for us.

James Connelly

A.K.A the "Penny Stock Prophet"

Reveals the Secret to turning $1000

into $1 Million…

…Investing In Penny Stocks!

James Connelly was a 19 Year Old College Student When He Stumbled Across The Secret To Making An Absolute Fortune in the Stock Market.
Connelly Eventually Earned the Nickname, "The Penny Stock Prophet" After His Uncanny Ability to Pick the "Breakout" Penny Stocks Just Days Before They Experienced Record Gains!
Starting With An Initial Investment of Just $1000, James Is Going To Show You How It's Possible To Reach Millionaire Status in Just 38 Trades, Using His Secret Stock Picking Strategy!
James Connelly - The Penny Stock Prophet
Sign up NOW!!!!

Watch Proof Of One Of The Penny Stock Prophet's Stock Picks Made Live On May 23rd, 2010 And Watch What Happened!

For the First Time, James Connelly the "Penny Stock Prophet" is allowing the average investor access to his secret strategy for investing in Penny Stocks!


Attention: The $97 Lifetime Membership Will Be Available for a Limited Time Only.

What you're about to read is the story of James Connelly, a college dropout who created a secret stock-picking strategy that can turn $1000, into $1 Million, all by investing in small-cap and micro-cap stocks, otherwise known as "Penny Stocks."
Connelly's peers eventually gave him the nickname "The Penny Stock Prophet" after he proved he had the amazing ability to pick "breakout" penny stocks just days before they experienced incredible gains of...
Penny Stock Prophet Money
Even up to 5000%
…In Just a Matter of DAYS!
Sign up NOW!!!!
For the first Time James Connelly A.K.A "The Penny Stock Prophet" is allowing the average investor in on the secret that can make you an absolute fortune...
...By Letting YOU Trade Alongside Him, Using his Exclusive Penny Stock Trading Strategy!

The Story Of of James Connelly A.K.A. The Penny Stock Prophet

Article by Jeffrey Scott:

If you haven't yet heard of James Connelly, it's probably because he is more commonly known by his nickname, "The Penny Stock Prophet," given to him by his peers due to his uncanny ability to discover "breakout" penny stocks just days before they experience RECORD gains.
In the last 12 months, Connelly A.K.A "The Penny Stock Prophet" has become an internet sensation due to his stock picking strategy, that has changed the lives of hundreds of his followers.
As a 19 year-old college student, Connelly excelled in his studies. In his own words, "School was just something that always came naturally for me. It was too easy, and over time I just started to lose interest. I wanted something different, I needed to find something else to challenge me. That's when I decide to turn to trading stocks."
Connelly always had an interest in the stock market, even at a young age. When he was still a teenager, Connelly's father taught him how to read charts, and quarterly earnings reports. "My dad even got me a subscription to the Wall Street Journal for my 16th birthday, " says Connelly.
Having an understanding of the fundamentals of the market, at such a young age, was advantageous to Connelly's eventual future as an investor. The prospect of riches, and the unlimited possibilities that the stock market offered, soon began to recapture Connelly's imagination.
"The stock market to me was just a big puzzle. It fascinated me. I felt that if I could figure out the pieces to that puzzle, I could develop a strategy that would give me a huge advantage over other traders," Says Connelly, "I knew it would take a lot of trial and error, but I was convinced I could develop a method that would give me an edge in finding the next breakout stock."
On a whim, Connelly opened his first trading account his freshman year in college. "Initially, it started off has just a hobby. I wanted to learn the process, and start small. Once I figured out a strategy that could win consistently, then it was time to turn it up a notch."
Connelly began like any other investor. Studying charts, utilizing resistance calculators, analyzing financial reports, and re-learning the basic fundamentals of trading.
Connelly's hobby soon became an obsession as he began skipping his classes, preferring to spend the majority of his time researching and trading stocks.
"I was making more money from my dorm room than most people make at their jobs, so I just figured going to class was a waste of time. I was on to something, and I wanted to keep the momentum going."
To Connelly, spending the day trading was more exciting and satisfying than sitting in a classroom being lectured. Eventually, college became an afterthought.
Over the next few months Connelly spent hours in his dorm room pouring over charts, analyzing trading patterns, volume, resistance levels, and any other identifiable factors he could find to help him identify a point when a stock was about to experience a bullish trading pattern.
Connelly was convinced that that winning stocks must have similarities, and that if those similarities could be discovered, it would be the key to identifying breakout stocks before they happen.
"I felt certain that I could create a strategy that could identify a breakout stock, before it began to rally. There had to be a signal, something that could be used as an identifier to 'red-flag' a stock that was about to see a major move."
Connelly eventually discovered 4 key variables that he believed was the secret to identifying a breakthrough stock. To this day Connelly has not released these variables to the public.
"I've been offered a lot of money to sell my strategy, but that's not going to happen. I want everyone to have the opportunity to profit from my strategy, not just someone who will pay millions for it, and keep it all to themselves."
What Connelly is willing to share with the public, is how identifying the Psychological Support Level (PSL) of a given stock, is the key to his method being so successful.
"While the 4 variables I discovered are still a closely guarded secret, what's not a secret is how PSL can be catalyst to finding breakout stocks. It is the 'match' that lights the fire." Connelly continues, "Most people don't understand how incredibly important PSL is, in discovering under-valued stocks that are about to skyrocket."
Psychological Support Level is nothing new in the trading world. It is the activity of human behavior that can cause a stock to be sold at well below its actual worth. In fact, many investors believe PSL is one of the most important factors in identifying under-valued stocks. However, just discovering undervalued stocks is not enough.

Discovering the undervalued stocks that are about to move,
that's the hard part.

"I became interested in the possibility of creating a strategy that utilized PSL to identify and predict human behavior and its influence on a winning stock," says Connelly. "I was certain if I could find a way to combine this with the 4 key variables I discovered, I could greatly outpace the overall market, and see rapid percentage gains in my portfolio."
Connelly believed that PSL was the "missing link" to creating a strategy that would maximize profits and potential gains in the market.
PSL is currently used by mathematicians to predict and determine how human behavior affects population growth, crime and even terrorism. It's called Psychometric Science, and its no longer science fiction. So Connelly posed the ultimate question.

Why Not The Stock Market?

Connelly felt confident that PSL, combined with the 4 variables he had discovered, would prove to be the missing piece of the puzzle that could help 'predict' a bullish trading pattern…. Before it Happens!

The Result?

After months of trial and error, tweaking and testing his strategy; Connelly was successful in creating what would eventually become one of the most popular and wildly successful stock picking strategies in recent memory.
A strategy that when applied, could predict solid gains in the market 24 to 48 hours…before they happened.
When Connelly tested his new stock picking strategy over a period of 30 days he experienced an average gain of 28% on over 11 trades. For any other investor this would be a resounding success...

...but Connelly was not satisfied.

He had a better idea. Since PSL was going to be such a key factor in determining which stocks were about to move, why not implement this strategy in a place that PSL plays the biggest role in discovering winning stocks?

The Micro-Cap Sector! A.K.A. Penny Stocks!

Because PSL plays such a huge role in the micro-cap sector, Connelly was convinced that if he switched his strategy toward micro-cap stocks, he could achieve even greater gains than he could on the big-board stocks. The Results Were Astounding!
Sign up NOW!!!!

Proof of the Amazing Results James Connelly has achieved for his members in just a 30 day period.

Penny Stock Investment Chart

45% Average Returns! All trades developed
in just 24 to 48 hours.

All with Penny Stocks!


Don't Believe It's Possible to turn $1,000 into
$1 Million with Penny Stocks?

This is the most common rebuttal I hear from my skeptics. Most people don't believe it's possible to make SERIOUS money with Penny Stocks. These people are absolutely nuts! On the chart above I showed you the results I achieved in...
...just a 30 day time period. All with Penny Stocks
Over those 30 days, each of the 10 stocks returned an average of 45%, and most of them did so in less than 48 hours!
For all of you skeptics out there, I put together a chart to see how many trades it would take, starting with only $1,000 to reach 1 MILLION in pure profit, following my system of identifying winning penny stocks. Rather than taking an average of 45% like I accomplished in a 30 day period, let's start with a MUCH lower and more conservative figure.
Let's assume that I had a bad month, and each Penny Stock pick will only return an average of just 20% per trade. Now let's assume that you will invest your winnings from each previous trade to the next. How many trades would it take for you to reach $1 Million? The answer might surprise you!
Penny Stock Investing

$ 1,000.00
$ 1,200.00
$ 1,200.00
$ 1,440.00
$ 1,440.00
$ 1,728.00
$ 1,728.00
$ 2,073.60
$ 2,073.60
$ 2,488.32
$ 2,488.32
$ 2,985.98
$ 2,985.98
$ 3,583.18
$ 3,583.18
$ 4,299.82
$ 4,299.82
$ 5,159.78
$ 5,159.78
$ 6,191.74
$ 6,191.74
$ 7,430.09
$ 7,430.09
$ 8,916.11
$ 8,916.11
$ 10,699.33
$ 10,699.33
$ 12,839.20
$ 12,839.20
$ 15,407.04
$ 15,407.04
$ 18,488.45
$ 18,488.45
$ 22,186.14
$ 22,186.14
$ 26,623.37
$ 26,623.37
$ 31,948.04
$ 31,948.04
$ 38,337.65
$ 38,337.65
$ 46,005.18
$ 46,005.18
$ 55,206.22
$ 55,206.22
$ 66,247.46
$ 66,247.46
$ 79,496.95
$ 79,496.95
$ 95,396.34
$ 95,396.34
$ 114,475.61
$ 114,475.61
$ 137,370.73
$ 137,370.73
$ 164,844.88
$ 164,844.88
$ 197,813.86
$ 197,813.86
$ 237,376.63
$ 237,376.63
$ 284,851.96
$ 284,851.96
$ 341,822.35
$ 341,822.35
$ 410,186.82
$ 410,186.82
$ 492,224.18
$ 492,224.18
$ 590,669.02
$ 590,669.02
$ 708,802.82
$ 708,802.82
$ 850,563.38
$ 850,563.38
$ 1,020,676.06
Sign up NOW!!!!

$1,000 to $1 Million in only 38 Trades!

Need More Proof?

Check Out One of The Penny Stock Prophet's Recent Picks:

What Are Current Members Saying about The Penny Stock Prophet's System?

"To be honest, I've always had interest in learning how to trade stocks but never really acted on it until I found pennystockprophet.com. I was really looking for a work-from-home type program, but when I stumbled across this website I figured it looked like a great opportunity to learn, and I figured I might as well give it a shot. I started in August of 2008 and from my very first trade I was making money. Even when the market hit rock bottom in September and October of 2008, I was making huge gains on individual stocks. While most of my friends lost 40-50% of their 401k, I had made significant gains during the same time frame. James, I will be a member for life, and so will my sister, my husband, and both my parents! We thank you for all your help and keep the good times rolling! Thanks!"
*Actor Portraying REAL Testimonial.

"After retiring we were looking for a way to supplement our monthly income, and provide us with a little more spending money so we could really enjoy our Golden Years. We've been members of Pennystockprophet.com for just over 1 year now, and thanks to James we've been able to enjoy making more money each and every month by trading using his strategy. We like to travel, and this system is perfect because it only takes a few minutes to review the emails. Not all of the picks have been winners, but overall all we've averaged solid returns over the last 12 months. Thanks James for all your help, and for designing a system that's so easy to use, a couple of old folks like us can even do it!"
*Actor Portraying REAL Testimonial.

Will You Be One of the Lucky People to

Trade Penny Stocks alongside 'The Penny Stock Prophet'?

A Note from James Connelly:
For a Limited Time only I am opening up my newsletter to new subscribers who desire change in their life and want to try to achieve Millionaire status by trading alongside me, utilizing my personal Penny Stock Picks. I can help you, but you must be willing to take action in order to succeed.
Have you heard the expression, "You can lead a horse to water…?"
Well it's the truth. The bottom line is you have to make your own success by taking action first. Once you've taken action, you'll just need to follow my lead and I promise I will try to provide you with the tools you'll need to be successful. You don't have to be an expert; you just need to be able to follow a simple system that will put your bank account on autopilot!
As a Penny Stock Prophet member you will receive weekly Penny Stock alerts and updates on the very Penny Stocks that my strategy identifies every week. Here's an example of what my weekly penny stock alerts look like.
NOTE: This Pick Was a 650% Gainer for PSP Members!
Included in these penny stock alerts will be my own independent research (exclusive only to my members) as well as the very specific reasons I've identified a particular penny stock, and why I believe that it is about to see a rally!
I will also teach you about setting limit orders, so that your orders will be automatically executed in your trading account, so you don't have to sit and stare at a stock ticker all day while waiting to cash out. This is putting trading on autopilot!
In addition, I will help you sort out all of those Penny Stock newsletters out there and only bring you the picks from my colleagues that I trust to bring us the most profitable stocks.

You will also have direct access to me, The Penny Stock Prophet!

I am not a stock trading Robot, I'm a real person who's here to answer your questions!

Do I guarantee that each Penny Stock Pick will skyrocket? Of course not. As with any trading system, nothing is 100% perfect, but I guarantee this system is better than any I have ever seen.
If you've never traded a single stock in your life, that's okay! You'll receive our quick start guide that will show you how to setup your trading account, deposit funds, and be trading alongside The Penny Stock Prophet within 24 hours.
While I can't guarantee that every Penny Stock Pick is going to be a home run, I can guarantee that the bottom line is I WILL DO MY BEST TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY.

Sign Up Today For A One-Time Fee Of

Penny Stock Prices

But Aren't We In the Middle of A Recession?

Isn't This the Worst Time to Be Investing in Penny Stocks?

Excellent question and the answer might surprise you. It's been my experience that a recession is the absolute BEST time to invest in penny stocks. Some of my biggest gainers in the last year or so have come during a time when the big indexes were following a downward trend.
Three of my picks that gained over 200% did so in September of 2008, the same month the Dow plummeted to 7,449.38, it's lowest point in more than 5 years.
I know that sounds crazy but it's the truth! A recession in the "big" stock indexes is a positive factor in the Penny Stock Market due to the simple fact that when the big indexes aren't doing well, many investors take a break from large cap stocks to focus on the micro cap sector (more commonly known as Penny Stocks).
Large cap stocks have a difficult time correcting from a negative trend in the overall market condition, while micro-cap stocks (penny stocks) are much more independent of overall market conditions. This brings the "big guns" with fat wallets into the microcap market, which means more liquidity in the micro cap sector.
More liquidity = bigger gains for Penny Stock traders. So stop being negative about a struggling economy! A struggling economy is going to mean big gains for Penny Stock traders. I personally believe that the current economic conditions are going to show us bigger gains with penny stocks than we've ever seen before! There couldn't be a better time to invest in penny stocks than right now!

For a Limited Time You Can Trade 'The Prophet's'

Penny Stock Picks For a one Time Investment of:

Penny Stock Prices
Lifetime Subscription to the Penny Stock Prophet Newsletter:
Including an 8 Week, 100% Money Back Guarantee

I'm So Sure My Penny Stock Strategy Will work for you I'll let you try it for free.

Internet Security Note: The secure order form on the next page will look like this:
If you join my Penny Stock newsletter via credit card I will allow you to use my system and trade my selected penny stocks each week, for up to 8 weeks. If you haven't made a profit within that 8 weeks, I will refund 100% of your membership fee. Period.
How many 'Penny Stock Experts' will make that kind of Guarantee for their service? None. I am willing to make a statement like that, and more than willing to back it up.
The bottom line is this isn't for everyone and I recognize that. Not everyone is interested in trading Penny stocks on a weekly basis, but everyone is interested in making money.
Many cannot cope with any type of loss whatsoever. And even though I've been averaging 20 – 50% returns on each Penny Stock pick, occasionally my strategy misses the mark on one stock pick, and when that happens, people lose money.
But the truth is if you trade any type of stock on a regular basis it is a given that occasionally you will have a losing trade once in a while. If you are the kind of person who is not stable enough to handle any type of loss, than this is not for you.
I am looking for serious people only who want to try and become millionaires by following my strategy that can make you a fortune in penny stocks.
If you are a courageous individual who likes making money and is willing to take very calculated and controlled risks to maximize your gains and minimize any losses, then the Penny Stock Prophet weekly penny stock alerts are exactly what you've been looking for.
Remember you will be following my exact strategy that will personally developed for making significant gains with penny stocks!

$1000 to MILLIONAIRE STATUS With Penny Stocks... it can happen to you!

With my 8 Week Guarantee there is absolutely nothing to lose. If for some reason I'm wrong about this, you've risked absolutely nothing. But If I'm right, you risk everything by not taking action today.
With a 8 week, 100% money-back guarantee, I have completely taken the risk out of the equation. Now you just have to act. I hope to see you on the other side.


James Connelly
Try the Penny Stock Prophet newsletter with the Iron Clad 8 Week Guarantee:
For a 1 time fee of
Lifetime Subscription to the Penny Stock Prophet Newsletter:
Including an 8 Week, 100% Money Back Guarantee
***Remember there is absolutely no reason for you to leave empty handed. You can take advantage of my 100% Risk Free Offer and begin trading my exclusive penny stock picks today! If you are not earning profits within 8 weeks of trading, I will return 100% of your membership fee no questions asked.

***It doesn't get much better than that. We'll see you on the other side...
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